Free webinar on understanding governors’ responsibilities around digital safeguarding – Friday 26 April 2024

This week I highlight a Governors for Schools free webinar on understanding governors’ responsibilities around digital safeguarding, a new DfE web page for its resources on improving behaviour in schools, the publication of an updated version of the EEF’s guide to implementing new ideas and approaches in schools and publication of Ofsted and Ofqual documents on how they will use Artificial Intelligence.

Free Governors for Schools webinar on understanding governors’ responsibilities around digital safeguarding
In conjunction with Smoothwall, Governors for Schools are holding a webinar on
Thursday 16 May from 5-6 p.m. on understanding governors’ responsibilities around digital safeguarding. Smoothwall’s Head of Education & Wellbeing will discuss the intricacies of digital safeguarding, shedding light on the challenges students encounter in their digital world and offering practical safeguarding strategies aimed at fostering optimal outcomes and safety for students. You can use this link to register.

DfE behaviour in schools resource page
Yesterday the DfE published a new web page for its resources on improving behaviour in schools, including case studies from schools that took part in the Behaviour Hubs programme and its existing guidance on issues such as suspensions, mobile phones, confiscation, and use of reasonable force.

EEF publishes ‘A School’s Guide to Implementation’ update
The EEF has released an updated version of A School’s Guide to Implementation, a 2021 report on implementing new ideas and approaches in schools that have the biggest possible impact on children and young people’s outcomes.

Ofsted and Ofqual release documents on their approach to AI
Ofsted has published a paper which outlines how it will use Artificial Intelligence (AI) responsibly and fairly, setting out its position on the use of AI by education and social care providers. Ofqual has also released a document which sets out its approach to regulating AI. It covers issues such as managing malpractice, using AI to mark work or remotely invigilate, and Ofqual’s key regulatory objectives.